Ant Radio Service Galaxy S5
Is there a list somewhere that says what the hell all the stuff under 'All' apps are? Like ANT, 'briefing', 2 calendars?, S Finder, etc. There are a ton of things, I disabled most of them but there are others that Im not even sure what they are hmmYou should be able to find them in the Play Store. If you go under My Apps in the Play Store and swipe over to all it will list out even the disabled apps and you can select one and view it's Play Store page. The stock Samsung apps (the phone app, calender, messages, etc) won't be in there though.

What is Ant Radio Service? Ant radio is very much similar to the system components that enable other forms of wireless connectivity on your mobile device (Wi-Fi, NFC) unless you start an app that requires ANT wireless communication, it will not run or use system resources.