Dream Chronicles Walkthrough
General information 002. Walkthrough 003. Credits 001-General Information - This is a walkthrough for the game called 'Dream Chronicles: The Endless Slumber', or as it is more commonly known, 'Dream Chronicles'.
Says:Well if you have no power maybe you should check that the water mill is working, if it is then see if you have power up stairs, if that is ok, next make sure you switched the light item so the power leads from the entrance of power to the downstairs lab, you will need to switch it from upstairs. If you did that there should be no problems.I played the game several times through that stage, and had never had a problem unless it is finding the octogons for the lock gramophone. But I always find them in the end, and get stuck later playing an odd version of chess. You are not actually required to play he game but to copy the opponents move to eliminate their players one at a time. I have yet to beat it. Says:You need to copy what you see the opposite side do, if they do a certain pattern of lighting up the board between you when it stops you need to copy it exactly if you are right, the opponent loses a person on the board, if you are wrong you lose a man on the board, keep following their lead until either you beat them, they have no men left to lose, or you lose, then you will have to try again. I know I am stuck trying to beat it.
I have gotten the opponent down to one man, but never quite beat it. But they say perserverence is the key.
Says:You are at the print machine and if you opened all the doors you had the magnifying glass which made a print on the metal tile, the other machine has the ability to use the metal tile to form tiles using the metal one to make the images on the rock ones, then you open the last door and should see a waterfall. Take the metal tile to the magnifying device, then take the four rock tiles and the metal one to the other machine which presses the shapes into the rock. Once you have look into your book for a hint as to what shape to form at the waterfall.
Am GYeah, we invent our own little games (in our idle town)Am GWhen the lights out at the stadium, hey (in our idle town)Am GMaking life a spinning arcade (in our idle town)C G CAnd curfew's at midnight, we watch the sunriseG CWe watch the sunriseGWe watch the sun CSpringtime when the air is thinGWe're getting antsy and they're noticingCWhile everybody's off partyingGWe're watching stars over ice-creamCAnd now we're kicking up to seventh gearGAnd we're breathing in the atmosphereCAnd I don't even need a sip of beerGYeah I can feel it allC G C GAh, In our idle town ah, in our idle town. Idle town uke chords.
Then you will see something amazing happen. I know I have passed that area. Says:If you are in the tower first off you need to put all the pipes in the correct positions to open the piano, then it will play a tune while the lights on the keys are lite up, if it shows a quick red note it means you hit the wrong key. You need to play it back from start of its notes to the end. In the correct order so as an ex.
If I told you to play a, b, c, d, and you play it backwards it will say you are wrong, you need to copy the order it plays it. Get used to it, cause there is also some in number three.
Verlon Says:I was ready to tear my hair out when I couldn’t figure out the chess game, but through trial and error this is what I found. You have to light up the squares in sequence. To begin click on one, the second is two, third is three of course, then there are several times that a sequence of four comes up, then one or two fives and one six. If you make a mistake, you may as well start over, because you will never catch up to the sequence. You have to be correct each time.
If you do make a mistake, the sequence starts before you can even begin the next one, I am sure a lot of you out there has found this to be true. I hpe this helps.
Says:If the musical instruments have not been placed in their correct positions you see if the musical notes to the chair it has in front of it say it is asking for the Pandero looks like a drum and you put a different instrument there it will not work right, then that particular instrument will not have their music light up. Hence the stairs will never show up to get to the next level. My best hint is figure out the musical instruments before placing the music and their instruments in place.
Then you only have to see clearly which one goes where. If you have placed the instruments correctly they will not appear on the floor because they are sitting at the proper spot as if someone was to sit and play the instrument. If that is the case the steps to the next floor should be visible take them and do the next step. Lindy alvestad Says:OkI am in a quandryI’m in chptr 25, in “The Maze” I have my second “gem” which nothing will accept. Cannot find the “third key” to open the third chest.
Am blocked in a part of the maze by a door that will not accept anything I have to open it. The Women statue(s) accepted one gem only. I suspect if I were able to get back to the library to read the “fairy book” I may learn the secret but I don’t seem to be able to get back there. That has helped me out many times. HelpI’m stuck and I hate this maze!
After a many failed attempts to finish the 'Simon' chess game, I finally got an idea I taped a sheet of plastic wrap on my screen, and before starting the game, I used a blue magic marker and numbered the empty squares. At first I couldnt see the numbers on the black squares, but when they light up you can clearly see the numbers.
I called out each number to myself as they lit up, then went back and clicked on the ones I had called out. I completed the game on my second try after that. Tey it it worked for me.Re: Dream Chronicles 2 - Chess Puzzle04/07/08 01:45 PM 04/07/08 01:45 PMJoined: Jun 2004Posts: 27,907. From head to toe animals.