Space Quest 5
Here you can play game Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation online.Roger Wilco, a kind young man, in the previous parts more than once bravely saved the Universe when she was in danger. He always dreamed of becoming a Captain, having his own ship, flying across the vast expanses of the Universe. And he could not manage it. But now the failures are over.It all starts with the fact that Roger Wilco, while still a cadet at Starcon's stellar academy, gnaws at the granite of science, struggles with sleep in lectures, forcing himself to sit down for textbooks. And you can add that he is not alone: his fellow students, one Gordon Freemer and Albert Einstein, also “excelled” in their studies. However, under your strict guidance, Roger Wilco did pass the exams, but alas, these two gentlemen are not. You are waiting for all the delights of student life with Roger Wilco, you manage to be late for a couple, you will be forced to mop the floor, take a written exam, and with proper skill - also write off your classmates.
However, if you take up this case, you should remember that it is better to write off from excellent students.Becoming a captain, Roger Wilco, will receive the Eureka spacecraft. Now Roger is committed to exploring new worlds. And let his ship - just a 'garbage', who cares in the end? Roger Vilco has three subordinates. Drul is an officer in arms and other nonsense who was literally sent into exile to Heureka. Robonauts frc. Ask him about it yourself.
Beauty Flo - Airborne Engineer 4 Categories, Liaison Officer. She has green skin and is already married for the 14th time. Clifford, or his friends name, is simply “Cliffy,” the chief engineer of Eureka. It is he who ensures that everything works, that everything turns on and off.
Space Quest V was also the only Space Quest game, and the second Sierra title overall (Leisure Suit Larry 5 was the first) to be sponsored by a real-life company. The logo for Sprint would appear following any communications transmissions, appear on a billboard in the Spacebar, and also appear in the ending credits. Space Quest V sees Roger Wilco attending StarCon Academy, getting his own ship (a huge vacuum cleaner) and doing battle with androids, slime pirates.
Especially noteworthy are two things. The first is how he does it (if you saw the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis in the title role, then you must remember the Russian cosmonaut, Lev Andropov, who repaired everything with a wrench), and the second is what he repairs. Personally, I was pleased with the hammer in the Clifford toolbox, designed to work with Eureka's thin and delicate electronic systems.Being a captain, you will have to do routine work (you will not do great deeds every day) and go with your crew to a local bar for entertainment. By the way, in the same bar it will be possible to face Rick Deckard (the Hunter for Androids from the movie “Running the Blade” with Harrison Ford in the title role).And while Roger Wilco and his fearless crew will do the chores, something strange and dark will happen in remote areas. Confederation patrols, though regular, are far from all interested in capturing famous smugglers who pollute the planet with toxic emissions. In addition, some of the colonies in general ceased to get in touch. In a word - there is a lot of work for the Captain.The player is waiting for endless references to the pearls of world science fiction ('Aliens', 'Predator'), as well as an outright parody of the series Star Trek.
You can even see the famous battle of Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader from Star Wars.The principles of gameplay in this part have not changed. He who played in the previous parts will immediately understand what's what.The graphics in the game is very pleasant, the work of artists worthy of the loudest applause. Especially successful backdrops and animated inserts. Be sure to pay attention to the beautiful landscapes of the planets Kiz Urazgubi and Trakus.Space Quest V: The Next Mutation is a very cute plot, and quite a funny parody of all science fiction, and beautiful graphics for those times.Recommended to all fans of games of this genre.P.S.
King Rock'n'roll Elvis Presley in the universe Space Quest V is very much alive and well. Play and see for yourself.
Space Quest V Walkthrough.STARCONWalk north, enter first door on right. Move cursor to side until you get eye icon and cheat off neighbor's paper. Do this at least twice.
Answers are: d, e, e,c, e, c, e, d, a, a. Walk south, open door on right, get cones and scrub-o-matic. Walk east through hallway. Walk to elevator (circle in center). Use cones onseal. Get on scrub-o-matic.
Use it, cover entire picture until it shines and you get message. Walk left, north, read bulletin board.EUREKASit down in captain's chair. Use talk icon with exclamation (!) point on it to issue commands to crew. Ask Flo to hail Starcon. Ask Droole to set course and givecoordinates for Gangularis. Tell Droole to change to Lite Speed once you clear Starcon. After you're near destination, have Droole change to regular speed andactivate RRS.
Exit chair, go through doors behind you to Engineering Room. Open RRS hatch on right. Open toolbox on floor towards left and get laser torch, antacidtablets, fuse and hole punch.
Clean box afterwards. Go back to bridge, set course for Peeyu. Set lite speed, once near destination, regular speed. Go through doorsbehind you, walk left to Science Lab. Walk east all the way, then west. Put Spike in the canister (Habitube).
Add antacid tablets to canister. Return to bridge,set course for Kiz Uruzgabi (KU). SAVE after arriving. Go to science lab, walk on transporter, talk to computer towards back.KIZ URUZGABIWalk north into cave, walk left then north. Walk east, walk on top of tree (not log). Return to cave, enter cave to left. Enter cave on left.Use walk icon on other side of chasm.
Use hand icon on boulder on top of cliff, use stick on boulder. (I couldn't get off the ledge here, so I returnedthe way I came: jump back across chasm, enter cave, enter right cave, walk east). Cross log, use stick on hanging fruit, get fruit. Enter log, but stay inside.When WD-40 stands on top of log, use fruit on her. Walk left, get her head. Walk left, enter right cave. Beam back down.
Walk north until you hit the ship. Usedevice on yourself.
Open panel on right. Open top and bottom panels. Turn upper left and lower right knobs, open these two panels. Turn other two knobs,open both panels, get device. Go to bridge, set destination for Spacebar, lite speed.SPACEBARChange to regular speed, orbit planet.
Sit at Flo and Droole's table. Play Battle Cruiser (like Battleship). To win: after first move, SAVE, note where is shipsare during the game and if you don't win, restore and you know where his ships are. Sit at your table, put space monkeys in your drink, walk right.
Click switchon console. Go to second cell on left. Talk to Cliffy. Walk left, step on transporter.
Get Spike, return to Spacebar. Use Spike on Cliffy's cell. Return to transporter.Set course for Klorox II, lite speed.KLOROX IIChange to regular speed, orbit planet, beam down. Walk into center building. Turn on computer. After pukoid spits, turn your head, repeat 4 times.
Get paperon floor. Look at paper. Use computer, use code from paper (80869).
Read the info. Exit building. Walk to where you beamed down, walk left. Look at canister. Set course for Thrakus, change to lite speed, regular speed.
Use center switch on chair console. Have WD-40 scan planet. Exit bridge, press red buttonon right wall, step over flashing lights and enter Pod Bay. Open two cabinets on right and get mask and oxygen tank. Turn on console and open elevator. Enter elevator.Enter science lab, stand on transporter, put on mask, beam down.THRAKUSWalk to escape pod (left, north).
Get coat, press red button. Give coat to Bea after she asks for help. Use communicator on self. In science lab, press red button on right, open Cryotube.
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Put Bea in Cryotube. Look at controls, then look at control at bottom. Set for Cryofreeze for 10and press start. Go to bridge. Quickly have Droole raise shields.
After you get shot at, have Droole take evasive action. Tell him to head directly into the asteroidfield. Go to pod bay. Use console and rotate pod, get in. Rotate with left hand until Cliffy is in front of you. Try to get him in the middle of the radar(he's the red dot, you're green). When he's in front of you, use right hand.
Press thumb (CLAW) and position him until you get message. Then press CLAW again.Head for Eureka (green dot). Go to bridge, set course for Genetix (41666), lite speed, regular speed, orbit.GENETIXBuzz around over water until someone tries to eat you. Go to communicator, talk to Flo. Fly west, enter keycard hole in rocks.
Look at lights. Go tocomputer that flashes. Press reset, projects, accounting, activity (read all). Press systems, select 3, security. Look at each camera picture. Fly away, go throughred key hole. Talk to Cliffy.
Fly north towards right. Land on your body. Use hole punch on business card. Punch card to look like:XXXXXUse keycard on keycard hole.
Press black button on big contraption. Get nitrogen tanks. Exit lab, beam back. When Cliffy asks what Spike means, select thetransporter manual bypass. Look at Cryotube, look at control panel. Defrost for 10. Get Bea, put her on transport pad.
Go to bridge, set course for Gingivitis, litespeed, regular speed.GINGIVITISPress left button on chair console, have Cliffy activate cloak. Enter science lab.
Look at each area of ship, until Cliffy says that area would be best. (Leastamount of.). Go to pod bay, activate pod, get in. Pick the spot that was chosen in lab (2nd bulkhead to right of engine). Open pod bay doors.
Use laser torchon ship. Do not walk until pukoid walks in, then leaves. Walk through door he came through. Open floor vent.
Crawl north, east, north, north, walk up two levels,enter vent. Crawl south, west, north, north, east, north, north walk up two levels, enter vent. Crawl south, west, north, north, west, west, north, north, walkup two levels. Crawl south, south, west, south, east, south, look at switch, flip switch to off.
Once all pukoids are on transporter and doors are closed, talkto Cliffy. Go to bridge.EUREKAHave Droole fire. Have Droole activate RRS. Tell crew to abandon ship.
Press red button on chair console. Press left mushroom icon. Go to science lab. Walkto engineering, enter circular exit on upper right. Remove front center fuse, put in new fuse.
Enter science lab. Open Cryotube. Beam down.GOLIATHWalk up to machine near red flashing lights.
Look at flashing area, put warp device on console. Walk to the bridge.