Oxenfree Review

вторник 21 апреляadmin

Oxenfree is ok for 11 and up.

Bottom Line: Oxenfree is a story about human interaction and how we choose to treat each other, all set against a backdrop of supernatural horror. It just feels really human in spite of all the weird stuff. Recommendation: If you love good ghost stories, play Oxenfree.

This game is an horror game for young children. I have played the whole game with my child and there is no violence. In the rating it said it has sexual themes but the only reason that was in the game was because a character said “I knew her so long ago we even were in the same bathtub and it wasn’t sexual at all.” But their are subtle drugs and drinking. When your at the beach your allowed to grab a beer but it is completely optional. They talk about pot brownies but that is only said once from Ren at the beach. The rest of the game is ok and their is barely any violence with a bit of swearing like crap and hell. If your child is mature enough to know that this isn’t good to say in real life I think this game would be great for your child.

This title contains:

Positive role models

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A little racy

I watched my son play this for a while last night, but I was not happy with the references 'let's go to the beach and drink' and 'I'd s*rew so-and-so'. I told my 14 year old son it was inappropriate and to turn it off. I just don't understand why it's necessary to put these references and language into a game to make it fun. The more our kids see these types of things in games, the more normalized it becomes for them. Do I want my teenage son drinking on a beach and s*rewing someone? No, I do not. I think 16+ for this game.

This title contains:

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking

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Sexual References and Drug References in the first 20 minutes

This is rated teen, but it skirts the line of mature. The gameplay is reasonable and the concept is solid, it would be a game I would have enjoyed when I was a teenager. However it’s a bit too mature for my nephews and should probably be monitored by cautious parents. There was a reference to sexual activity and to marijuana use by teens early on in the game.

This title contains:

Sexy stuff

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Oxxenfree game secret achievement is unwinable!

The creators who made the oxxen free must of put a glitch in the game to keep people from winning the secret achievement, which is called the strong but silent type. I want the people who designed this game to fix the problem. I played this game a million times and did everything it asked me to, so I believe that they owe me that achievement.

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It's nice when something comes along, seemingly out of nowhere, and is a pleasant surprise. Oxenfree, from developer Night School Studio, is one such game.

After initially impressing with a lovely art style, which somehow manages to echo 50s Disney while at the same time looking ultra modern (clean lines, slightly abstract artwork and distorted perspective), I was sucked into a supernatural adventure that feels part Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, part X-Files and part conversation simulator. Yes, conversation simulator.You play Alex, a teenage girl who agrees to go to an island with her friends to have a party. When she gets there it ends up being only a few of them: her new step-brother, Jonas; old friend, Ren; bitchy girl Clarissa; and Clarissa's introverted friend Nona. On arrival they all head to the beach, play some games around a fire, down alcohol and get into arguments.

Oxenfree Review

This leads Clarissa and Nona to become cast aside as the other three head into a nearby cave to investigate some spooky, some might say supernatural, radio signals.What happens next over the course of four or five hours is best left for you to discover, but the whole thing is a really cool mystery, with new info slowly revealed to eventually fill you in on what's going on, and it's made all the more believable thanks to some truly excellent writing and voiceover work. The characters are almost always talking to each other as you move through the game's relatively small island setting, with conversation choices popping up so you can direct the flow and also shape the outcome of the entire story.The dev team must have watched a lot of The West Wing, as they've totally nailed walking and talking, so much so that when there was silence I wondered what was up. Thanks to some simple gameplay mechanics you're always free to carry on chatting, and it helped me connect with the characters (even the less prominent ones) far more easily than in the majority of games (some of which I find myself wondering about names, hours after starting). They mostly have some resemblance of a backstory, a reason for why they are who they are and behave as they do.

You get a real sense of what these people think of each other, far beyond the superficial layer usually found in video games.It's fair to say Oxenfree is more interactive story than it is a game in the traditional sense, but you do enough to have some sense of control, apart from when the game plays tricks on you. You have access to a radio that can be re-tuned in order to solve 'puzzles' that aren't so much challenges as they are devices to move the story on.

.The new Gears JD FenixJD Fenix is a former lieutenant in the cog who went AWOL with his comrade and best friend, del, after being caught up in a classified military “incident.” The son of Marcus Fenix, JD is an idealist who wants to live his life with purpose. Player 2 can select either Kait or Del.If an enemy enters your cover on the opposite side from you, you can attempt to yank them over. Gears of war 4. If you land it successfully, you’ll be able to stake your claim to that cover with a gory knife execution.The vault is a way to traverse cover fluidly while maintaining momentum, allowing you to vault over cover and continue your roadie run. He and del have found sanctuary among outsiders whom they saved from cog reprisals, and, like them, now reject the oppressive government they once served.

While the isometric viewpoint and restricted path movement certainly resembles a modern point and click adventure, you'll never struggle to make progress: there's no ball of yarn or goat here.Oxenfree grabbed more more than I anticipated, but it does such a good job at creating believable characters that small problems seem like much bigger ones. At times I wandered silently past characters who moments before I'd been talking about rather seriously. The fact Alex ignored them felt wrong and suddenly the atmosphere was broken and I was playing yet another 'normal' game.

There are also times when characters don't behave in a way I'd expect them to, given the situation at hand, acting somewhat blase about some pretty serious and terrifying stuff. A bit more fear and panic wouldn't have gone amiss. It's worth noting that on Xbox One I suffered numerous crashes back to the dashboard, but never lost any progress.I can't think of many games like Oxenfree. It's simple if judged purely on gameplay mechanics but wonderfully accomplished in terms of storytelling, characters and dialogue. Ragdoll runners free demo. If you fancy a supernatural adventure mystery with a smart plot and clever ideas, don't ignore this.Version Tested: Xbox One.