Dragonfable Weapons
DragonFable Class Guides.
The weapons of DragonFable are divided into three types: Melee, Magic, or Pierce. Weapons can either be bought with Gold, DragonCoins, or won when completing a quest.
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->Warrior, Mage and Rogue AP builds:
->DragonLord AP Builds.
->Kathool Adept AP Builds
->DeathKnight AP Builds
->Paladin AP Builds.
->Necromancer AP Builds
->Ranger AP Builds
->Technomancer AP Builds
->SoulWeaver AP Builds
->Chronomancer AP Builds
In DF, there are seven stats that you can train: STR, INT, DEX, END, CHA, LUK and WIS. Before the 9.0.3 engine update, WIS was not there. However, after that engine update, it was added.
- STR, or Strength, increases the Melee damage you deal. To deal melee damage, you need either a sword, an axe, a mace or a scythe, though to deal melee damage with a scythe you need to have your STR as your highest stat out of STR, INT and DEX.
- INT, or Intellect, increases the Magic damage you deal. To deal magic damage as a base Mage, you need either a staff, a wand or a scythe, though to deal magic damage with a scythe you need INT to be the highest stat out of STR, INT and DEX.
- DEX, or Dexterity, increases the Pierce damage you deal. To deal pierce damage as a base Mage, you need either a dagger or a scythe, though to deal pierce damage with a scythe you need DEX to be the highest stat out of STR, INT and DEX.
- END, or Endurance, increases your HP. Your HP is increased by 5 for each point of END you have.
- CHA, or Charisma, increases the damage dealt by your pet and guest. The exact formula is unknown. It also increases Charisma Stat Rolls.
- LUK, or Luck, increases your chance for a critical hit by a bit. It also increases various other small things, such as dodging and stat rolls.
- WIS, or Wisdom, was introduced to the game when the 9.0.3 engine was released. It increases your MP by 10 for each point of WIS you have.
Now, you might be thinking how to train these stats. Well, there are two places: through Rolith in Oaklore and through Sir Render in the Falconreach Defender Shop. However, there is a small fee for training stats. The fee is gold equal to your level. So, if you’re training stats at level 10, you’ll be charged 10 gold per stat point. You gain stat points as you level up; 5 per level, in fact!
If you ever make a mistake in training your stats, don’t worry! You can untrain your stats through the “Untrain” option from Sir Render. However, it would cost 1000 gold to untrain as well as a hefty price to retrain your stats. The total cost would actually be 1000+Level*([Level-1]*5). So, if you’re at level 10, you’d need 1450 gold to fully untrain and retrain your stats. A hefty price indeed for someone at that low of a level!
Warriors excel in melee damage, since their base weapons (swords, axes and maces) all deal melee damage. So, you would want STR for a damage boost as opposed to DEX or INT. If, and only if you use pets and/or guests, get CHA. If you do not, don’t bother with that stat. LUK is always helpful for those small things, most importantly the extra chance for a critical hit. If you’re a tank type, go for END for that extra HP. Warriors use a minuscule amount of MP, but go for around 20 or so WIS anyway. You never know when you’ll need it.
Pure Power
This build mainly focuses on damage, and not on defensive stats. Develop STR first, then move to LUK. Get that 20 WIS somewhere in the middle. Move that 78 LUK to CHA if you use guests/pets.
This build mainly focuses on tanking while dealing decent damage. Get the STR first, then slowly develop WIS with END and, when you reach 20 WIS, get LUK and END together. Place more points into END thought.
Rogues all (usually) deal pierce damage, since their base weapons (daggers) all deal pierce damage. So, you would want DEX for a damage boost as opposed to STR or INT. If, and only ifyou use pets and/or guests, get CHA. If you do not, don’t bother with that stat. LUK is always helpful for those small things, most importantly the extra chance for a critical hit. It’s especially useful for rogues as they deal two hits per turn, doubling their chance of a critical. If you’re a tank type, go for END for that extra HP. Rogues use a small amount of MP, but go for around 30 or so WIS anyway. You never know when you’ll need it.
Pure Power
This build mainly focuses on damage, and not on defensive stats. Develop DEX first, then move to LUK. Get that 20 WIS somewhere in the middle. Move that 78 LUK to CHA if you use guests/pets.
This build mainly focuses on tanking while dealing decent damage. Get the DEX first, then slowly develop WIS with END and, when you reach 20 WIS, get LUK and END together. Place more points into END thought.
A Hero paladin who slays the undead for breakfast.
Now, there’s an armour in Dragonfable, And this guide will show you how to train it.
Level 70
END : 83
WIS : 82
Level 60
END : 68
WIS : 67
Level 50
END : 53
WIS : 52
Level 40
END : 38
WIS : 37
Level 30
END : 23
WIS : 22
Level 20
END : 15
Level 10
END : 5
Lead by the mighty Zorbak, An EBIL Necromancer Moglin.
Who Always tricks people in his Devious ideas.
Now there’s an Armour in Dragonfable, this guide will help you use it.
It will be consisting of 4 steps to become a successful ranger.
Rangers are the mighty archers with bows!(and other weapons too :D).
You must use daggers or scythes to use Ranger, because 3 quarters of his skills are pierce damage.
Stat build 1 :
Level 70
DEX : 200
END : 50
WIS : 30
LUK : 65
Level 60
DEX : 200
END : 40
WIS : 10
LUK : 45
Level 50
DEX : 180
END : 30
WIS : 10
LUK : 35
Level 40
DEX : 160
END : 20
WIS : 5
LUK : 10
Level 30
DEX : 120
END : 15
LUK : 10
Level 20
DEX : 80
END : 15
LUK : 10
Level 10
DEX : 40
END : 15
Stat Build 2 :
Level 70
DEX : 200
END: 115
WIS : 30
Level 60
DEX : 180
END : 85
WIS : 30
Level 50
DEX : 160
END : 80
WIS : 15
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Level 40
DEX : 140
END : 45
WIS : 10
Level 30
DEX : 120
END : 25
Level 20
DEX : 80
END : 25
Level 10
DEX : 40
END : 15
This guide will be talking about the awesome Technomancer armor!
Teaching you what to do and where to go.
Technomancers are very powerful if you used them in the right way.
Also, Technomancer is one of the STRONGEST armors in game!
You won’t regret using it, trust me.
Level 70
END : 40
WIS : 125
Level 60
END : 30
WIS : 115
Level 50
END : 25
WIS : 105
Level 40
END : 15
WIS : 85
Level 30
END : 5
WIS : 65
I will start with the synopsis.
A SoulWeaver should focus on his damage stat. I recommend more STR/DEX/INT and balanced END WIS.
Level 70
END: 72
WIS: 73
Level 60
END: 48
WIS: 47
Level 50
END: 22
WIS: 23
Level 40
END: 18
WIS: 17
Level 30
END: 12
WIS: 13
Level 20
END: 7
WIS: 8 Blade and sword 2 download.

Level 10
END: 7
WIS: 8
At level 70
STR/INT/DEX – 200*
END – 70
LUK – 55
WIS – 20
The mightiest Chronomancer of all time. Awesome damage, very high HP, good Crits, and good MP.
At level 60
STR/INT/DEX – 175*
END – 55
LUK – 45
WIS – 20
This one has good damage, good HP, better Crits, and a good amount of MP, as the Chronomancer doesn’t use that much MP.
At level 50
STR/INT/DEX – 150*
END – 50
LUK – 30
WIS – 15
Again, good damage, good HP, good Crits, and decent MP.
At level 40
STR/INT/DEX – 120*
END – 40
LUK – 20
WIS – 15
Again, good damage, good HP, good Crits, and decent MP.
At level 30
END – 30
LUK – 20
WIS – 15
And of course, good damage, good HP, good Crits, and decent MP.
At level 20
END – 30
WIS – 5
Yet again, good damage, good HP, good Crits, and decent MP.
At level 10
END – 15
Yes, good damage, good HP, good Crits, and decent MP.