A Planet Of Mine 300 Day
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Apr 17, 2020 Well, as a friend of mine once said, “they should have named this planet ‘Irony’.” I’ve been banging the “Save the Earth” drum for 50 years and as a baby boomer, I had millions of contemporaries who marked the day. A Planet of Mine is an engaging strategy game that combines exploration with your spacecraft and civilization development. Fully adapted for mobile devices, it features innovative world generation, distributing resources, species, biomes, and planets in a way that makes each game unique.
Planet Nine hypothesis supported by new evidence Date: July 12, 2017 Source: SINC Summary: Last year, the existence of an unknown planet in our Solar system was announced. However, this hypothesis was subsequently called into question as biases in the observational data were detected. Now astronomers have used a novel technique to analyze the orbits of the so-called extreme trans-Neptunian objects and, once again, they point out that there is something perturbing them: a planet located at a distance between 300 to 400 times the Earth-Sun separation.Share. Scientists continue to argue about the existence of a ninth planet within our Solar System.
Like the comets that interact with Jupiter'If there is nothing to perturb them, the nodes of these extreme trans-Neptunian objects should be uniformly distributed, as there is nothing for them to avoid, but if there are one or more perturbers, two situations may arise,' explains Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, one of the authors. 'One possibility is that the ETNOs are stable, and in this case they would tend to have their nodes away from the path of possible perturbers, he adds, but if they are unstable they would behave as the comets that interact with Jupiter do, that is tending to have one of the nodes close to the orbit of the hypothetical perturber.'
Using calculations and data mining, the Spanish astronomers have found that the nodes of the 28 ETNOs analysed (and the 24 extreme Centaurs with average distances from the Sun of more than 150 AU) are clustered in certain ranges of distances from the Sun; furthermore, they have found a correlation, where none should exist, between the positions of the nodes and the inclination, one of the parameters which defines the orientation of the orbits of these icy objects in space.' Assuming that the ETNOs are dynamically similar to the comets that interact with Jupiter, we interpret these results as signs of the presence of a planet that is actively interacting with them in a range of distances from 300 to 400 AU,' says De la Fuente Marcos, who emphasizes: 'We believe that what we are seeing here cannot be attributed to the presence of observational bias.' Until now, studies that challenged the existence of Planet Nine using the data available for these trans-Neptunian objects argued that there had been systematic errors linked to the orientations of the orbits (defined by three angles), due to the way in which the observations had been made. Nevertheless, the nodal distances mainly depend on the size and shape of the orbit, parameters which are relatively free of observational bias.