The Sims 3 Pets Xbox 360

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Build a house with 5 stories and an unfurnished value of at least §100,000.Mansion Builder (25)Build your house from the ground up by replacing your property with an empty lot.From the Ground Up (10)Create a flux combobulator.Great Scott! (10)Get the attention of the Socialite Club.Don't Talk About Socialite Club (10)Punish the Sims for their crumb-filled, sub-standard furniture.A Punishable Offense (10)Explore the Abandoned Mine in search of Timmy.Search and Rescue (10)Deal with the feline in the Dog Days of Summer mystery.Doggie Duties (10)Avoid the zombie bears to find the pirate ship's log.Zombie Bears, Oh My! (10)Discover the lost pirate ship anchor.The Missing Link (10)Complete each of the mystery chapters.Indubitably! (20)Target your neighbor with the Ghostify Power, then catch them with a cat or Ghost Zapper.Bad Neighbor (10)Catch every ghost spawned by the Ghost Invasion karma power before it ends.What Ghosts? (15)Complete each of the Leonardo Reborn Sub-Challenges.Leonardo Reborn (25)Destroy §10,000 worth of objects with a dog or cat.Dogzilla vs. Cat-Kong (20)With a pet, steal a Sim's clothes who is skinny dipping.Yoink! (15)Escape a karmic backlash by quickly balancing the meter after dropping below -50.Flirting with Disaster (20)Have your Sim kiss their brother's/sister's best friend.TMI (30)Become a romantic interest of your boss.Employee Benefits (15)Make out with the maid.Maid-out (20)Activate the Cry Havoc karma power during a wedding party.Family Feud (20)Make a Sim transmogrified from a cat and a Sim transmogrified from a dog become a couple.Is This.
(25)Have a dog and a cat become best friends.Mass Hysteria (15)Complete each of the k9 cop scenario Challenges.K9 Cop (30)Complete each of the Cat-astrophe scenario Challenges.Cat-astrophe (35)Complete each of the love and romance Challenges.All You Need (50)Complete each of the fishing Challenges.I'd Rather Be Fishing (10)Complete each of the parenting Challenges.The Parent Challenge (30)Use a telekinetic cat to make a Sim fix a meal from the fridge.Cat-A-Kinesis (10)Steal something worth at least §2,000 with a cat.Smooth Criminal (15)Successfully bathe your cat.Do Not Want! (35)Fetch something worth at least §2,000 with a dog.Where'd You Get That!? (15)Fetch a date.Wingman, er. Dog (15)Become a BFF with a dog.Sim's Best Friend (10)Breed a Natural-Born Hunter cat or Natural-Born Digger dog.It's Genetic (20)Find your lost pet.Have You Seen This Pet? (20)Earn more than §1,000 during a trick exhibition.Sit! (20)Train a pet to have 9 traits.PersonalityI Haz It (25)Praise or scold a pet enough times to add a trait.Good Fluffy!
If he takes three hits or allows three enemies to pass, it’s “Game Over.”Knight Terrors goes straight for the jugular, engaging players immediately with simple two-button controls, retina-searing sprite graphics and frantic neo-classical chiptunes. Knight terrors nintendo switch. He must face and vanquish a never-ending onslaught of bloodthirsty ghouls, flaming skulls and unspeakable horrors while jumping over spiked pits and flying through small gaps. Special effects like screen shaking and time stopping magnify the impact of every enemy interaction.
Save the titanic app. Sims can take their pets outside Take Spike to the park, bring Whiskers to the library, or ride Star to the new Equestrian Center. Learn More Screenshots the-sims-3-pets Screenshot the-sims-3-pets Screenshot the-sims-3-pets Screenshot the-sims-3-pets Screenshot Related Games.