System Shock 2 Coop

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Apr 23, 2014  After like waiting a bajillion fking years, we're finally playing SS2! If you enjoyed this video, like and comment. Check out our personal channels.

What is it?SHTUP (System Shock 2 Texture Upgrade Project) is a mod for System Shock 2 which aims to increase the resolution of all the common (and quite a few of the not-so-common) object textures. A secondary objective of the mod is to correct all other graphical glitches, such as typos, continuity errors, texture alignment errors, and so on.

All of this is to be done while sticking as closely as possible to the original art style. Simply put, our goal is to make SS2 look like a higher-res version of itself.- Where do I get it?Latest version: (load with the modmanager, available after patching up with ).

Battlefield heroes download. I recently joined Rising Hub Discord as a player after 1 year of not being admin and active due to another staff member not following his own rules and cheating in his project.It seems that the situation continues, it has never been addressed or an apology presented, staff dealt with this issue by muting and banning people at the time, censoring them, I myself got muted recently for simply stating that the staff doesn't deserve to be respected (due to their actions) and late. R got banned when I rejoined Discord after some weeks of being away on holidays.It's sad to see that the people in charge of BFH nowadays have sank this low, while active during this short period I saw multiple people who I had banned for cheating and breaking project rules, unbanned.

You should also consider using the Shock Community Patch (downloadable in the same topic) together with SHTUP - the tweaks really make the new textures shine.- What should I use?You should only use SHTUP (beta 6) version if you're using the original retail version of the SS2. If you've patched your install with a recent version of SS2Tool, or are using the GOG or Steam releases, you should use. Do not use both SHTUPbeta6 and SHTUP-NDbeta1 at the same time.- How can I help?If you're a talented artist or modeler, please visit the SHTUP development forum (hosting courtesy of Freylia.Net).This is a must download mod for any fan of one of the greatest PC games ever made.

Apropos of nothing, retro resurrector Nightdive Studios a re-release of System Shock 2 earlier this week. The studio didn't offer any other details at the time, but in an email to GamesRadar, Nightdive CEO Stephen Kick shared a bit more about the Enhanced Edition, including the odds of it coming to consoles.' We're going to experiment with other platforms mostly to evaluate how the UI from System Shock 2 would transition to a controller, but that doesn't guarantee you'll see it appear on console anytime soon,' Kick explains. 'Our priority with the Enhanced Edition is to be able to deliver an updated co-op multiplayer component. As of right now starting a co-op campaign is needlessly complicated and we're going to address that by implementing features that will enable a more modern and streamlined experience.' Our other priority is to ensure that all existing mods and fan missions are compatible with the Enhanced Edition,' he continues, 'but much of that will rely on the cooperation of the mod community. We have some other surprises that we'll be revealing in the future.'

It'd be great to see System Shock 2 branch out to other platforms after its 20-year life on PC, but porting the game and making it playable with a controller would surely be a tall order - hell, it's often tough to navigate with a mouse and keyboard. I can scarcely imagine doing it with analogue sticks. In any case, it's encouraging to see Nightdive prioritize multiplayer and fan-made levels, two of System Shock 2's most compelling - if occasionally dodgy - features.If you're looking for something to tide you over until this re-release, you could do far worse than, a brilliant tactical FPS from the co-founder of Irrational Games which has more than a bit of System Shock to it.