Stallion Race Cheats

четверг 02 апреляadmin

Honestly, once you learn a few tricks racing is just a joke except for the last one which could require a few tries but nothing more.Only thing you need to master is pushing the RT button on the right moment to get an initial speed boost, just after you see 1 you have a bit less than a second to do it before the race begins, which is plenty of time to get used to.After that just regular practice to memorize every circuit should be more than enought.Excluding Black Cup on difficult i've managed to do all of them first try. I just whish chocobo race on FF X was this easy XD.

Rival Stars Horse Racing is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms where you breed, train, and race horses, and collect the prize money and resources. In this game you control all aspects of your horse racing career; nothing is left up to chance.You can get sponsors, earn first place victories, and move up to more expensive (yet lucrative) and tougher races.

Penny Chenery Tweedy and colleagues guide her long-shot but precocious stallion to set, in 1973, the unbeaten record for winning the Triple.

Along the way you can earn silver, gold, victory roses, and more, while trying not to expend all of your energy.Read on for some tips and cheats for Rival Stars Horse Racing!The first element to your horse is to know what their preferred track position is. This refers to whether they run at the back of the pack, the middle, or the front, so this tells you how quickly you should start shooting for the front of the pack.Some horses like to run at the back, the front, or the middle; if you get too far ahead, that’s what the slow-down button is for. Once you’re in your pack position, your sprint will start to charge.Start the race strong and don’t start too early or too late, or you’ll get sent to the back of the pack early and have to expend more sprint energy just to get to your preferred position. Even if you start at the back of the pack, you still want to be close to the pack so you don’t have to sprint just to play catch-up.Once you get a bit further into the game, you’ll unlock the ability to hire a jockey, which costs either silver or gold depending on how good the jockey is.

They’ll enable you to pass the race off and see the results instantly, so if the upgrading process is more of your thing than the racing is, you’ll be able to focus solely on that.Be sure to train your horse just as often as you race it. You can train their speed, their acceleration, and their sprint energy. For every one race that you run, you’ll unlock the ability to train your horse one more time in each of the three categories.You’ll also need two other things to train to the preferred level. Soldier of fortune 2 video. Your training facility needs to be upgraded to the right tier, and you need to level up your horse. Each tier upgrade adds more levels to the maximum training for your horse (example: tier 3 is level 7, and tier 4 is level 9). You have three facilities, one for each form of training.For the level, just race your horse to increase their level.

Each time you race your horse, you earn experience whether you win or not, and for each level your horse gains, they will be able to do one more training session for each of the three training forms (sprint, speed, and acceleration).The homestead allows you to earn money passively, for doing absolutely nothing. At timed intervals, payouts will show up with silver.

You can collect the available payouts whenever you want, or just wait for them to max out.Upgrade your homestead as often as you can. This, of course, requires both resources and silver to do, so run races and complete quests until you have enough of both that you can upgrade it.Included in the homestead is the storehouse. The purpose of this is to store your resources (lumber, hardware, feed, etc). If you run out of space, you can either upgrade that, too, or you can spend/trade a bunch of your resources to make room.Each upgrade that you do takes time to complete, but you don’t always have to wait the entire time.

If the upgrade takes five minutes or less, it will be free to speed it up.If it takes more than five minutes, then you will have to pay gold in order to increase the speed of your upgrade completion, or you can cut up to 15 minutes off of the time with an ad video. Or you can wait until it’s down to five minutes and it will be free.Hit the stables, and you can both breed new horses and upgrade the breeding area. Upgrading the breeding area allows you to breed horses faster, as well as increases your maximum horse grade, and increases your chances of breeding a higher grade of borse.Adding breeding stalls allows you to breed more horses at a time.

Stallion Race Cheats

Add horse stalls in order to store more horses at your stables. The bigger your horse collection grows, the more horse stalls and breeding stalls you’re going to need.Read More.