Evochron Legacy Demo

суббота 09 маяadmin

Posted by andysonofbob: “Evochron Mercenary: awesome in 3D” I would say you do need to choose one of the fixes on the first page. Although everything is rendered in 3D some HUD elements aren't as.

This is the soundtrack to the latest installment of the Evochron series by SW3D games. I have been scoring the Evochron series since 2009 and have always done a set of new epic music for each iteration of the game. This release is all of the music for the newest version of the game.For Legacy, I was tasked with doing a low, medium, and high intensity version of each of the three cues. For the purpose of the album, I have edited these into three long movements for a cohesive cinematic listening experience.More info about the Evochron Series:www.starwraith.com. This is the complete 51 minute score from Outpost 13 by Cantina Games. For the score, I utilized many retro analogue synths and analogue signal chains (including running the score back through a VCR) giving the score a decidedly 80s late night sci fi / horror VHS vibe complete with a subtle tape “wobble” and hiss. Pure authenticityeven the logo theme screams cheestastic 80s sci fi.

The entire score is a throwback to the all synth scores of the era, one which any self respecting fan of John Carpenter and Tangerine Dream should not be without.Also included are a few demos, unreleased tracks, the trailer music, and two alternate album covers.Outpost 13 is a point-and-click action-adventure strategy game that takes place at an outpost on the planet Achelous IV. You, the player, plays as a dog named “Fen” who comes into contact with an alien biological agent that bonds the dog/player with an alien life form who calls himself “Tantalus.” The player’s objective is to leave Achelous and make it to the nearest spaceport by inducing enough fear into the stationed crew members that they abandon their 5 year long mission on Achelous and leave early.The game on steam: store.steampowered.com/app/351060/. This is the complete 51 minute score from Outpost 13 by Cantina Games. For the score, I utilized many retro analogue synths and analogue signal chains (including running the score back through a VCR) giving the score a decidedly 80s late night sci fi / horror VHS vibe complete with a subtle tape “wobble” and hiss. Pure authenticityeven the logo theme screams cheestastic 80s sci fi. The entire score is a throwback to the all synth scores of the era, one which any self respecting fan of John Carpenter and Tangerine Dream should not be without.Also included are a few demos, unreleased tracks, the trailer music, and two alternate album covers.Outpost 13 is a point-and-click action-adventure strategy game that takes place at an outpost on the planet Achelous IV. You, the player, plays as a dog named “Fen” who comes into contact with an alien biological agent that bonds the dog/player with an alien life form who calls himself “Tantalus.” The player’s objective is to leave Achelous and make it to the nearest spaceport by inducing enough fear into the stationed crew members that they abandon their 5 year long mission on Achelous and leave early.The game on steam: store.steampowered.com/app/351060/.

This is not a review of the game just a good advice!I just refunded the game, I first played the tutorial with the demo and it took me 3 hours to finish it and then I bought the game because after the tutorial I was hyped as hell!!! But after 2 hours of gameplay the game felt very bad so I refunded it, so if you guys are thinking about getting the game play the demo first!link to demoEDIT: the demo and the game are 300mb so it won't take long to try the demo and if you like it to buy and play the full game with the save you created for the demo. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but how could you know if a game this complex and huge is bad in two hours of gameplay. You couldn't have even left the starter system.lol. If you tried to say something like that on an ED forum with less than 300 hours of gameplay you'd be flamed off the forums.

This game is very complex and much deeper then a game like ED. It will take many hours to get comfortable and then if you play a game like ED you will log out after 10 minutes because you can't stand everything being dumbed down and instanced instanced instanced or magically created for you.

Good idea to play the demo though. Not all games are for all people so I would respect your opinion but it's arrived at rather prematurely. Of course the 2 hour steam refund policy gets in the way. You can always remove the demo and redownload it. The timer starts over again. You can test for hours. I agree with you 2 hours is not much time to judge a game and no I did not leave the starting systeme, I played ED and did not like it even if I spent 50 to 60 hours on it.I prefer X3 or X rebirth over ED (personnal opinion)I did not like the grahics of this game and the UI is far from great I could judge that from the demo what made me buy this game was that I thought it would be very deep but it really doesn't seem to be that deep.It seemed to me that Planets and being able to fly around them was one of the strongest features advertised in the game.

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But there is literally zero point in visiting a planet. They offer nothing and there seems to be zero interest in building stations or cities unless you want to be able to refuel in a particular systeme.

Originally posted by:I agree with you 2 hours is not much time to judge a game and no I did not leave the starting systeme, I played ED and did not like it even if I spent 50 to 60 hours on it.I prefer X3 or X rebirth over ED (personnal opinion)I did not like the grahics of this game and the UI is far from great I could judge that from the demo what made me buy this game was that I thought it would be very deep but it really doesn't seem to be that deep.It seemed to me that Planets and being able to fly around them was one of the strongest features advertised in the game. But there is literally zero point in visiting a planet. They offer nothing and there seems to be zero interest in building stations or cities unless you want to be able to refuel in a particular systeme.These are fair points on personal preference. The flight model in evochron is deep in a way that x is not. But the empire building components of X are leaps and bounds more robust than in evochron.I like these sorts of games for the piloting, and personally I wish there had been a demo of X3, I would have saved my money on about the most poorly implemented game I have ever played. Watching that single-threaded garbage crash into everything got real old real fast-and its interface was truly abysmal.

Evochron Legacy Demo

(no flame intended) I'm a huge fan of this series but I, can see that the Evochron series is not for everybody.The learning curve is high.It seems impossible until, with time and practice, it clicks. Then it seems natural as sipping your morning coffee.Unlike ED or many other popular space sims, the flight model is definitely not Ace Combat in space. Originally posted by Bozz:This is not a review of the game just a good advice!I just refunded the game, I first played the tutorial with the demo and it took me 3 hours to finish it and then I bought the game because after the tutorial I was hyped as hell!!!

But after 2 hours of gameplay the game felt very bad so I refunded it, so if you guys are thinking about getting the game play the demo first!link to demoEDIT: the demo and the game are 300mb so it won't take long to try the demo and if you like it to buy and play the full game with the save you created for the demo.What exactly didn't you like about the game? Originally posted by:If i play the demo will i be forced into same tutorial when i buy the game?Dont believe you are 'forced' to do the tutorial pal,at startup you can choose wether or not to start the tutorial,you can just click on launchWell yea, that's 'true' bot you'd likely spend a good chunk of time figuring out the ui/controls if you dont, especially if you want to use a gamepad.Add to that, the 'starting mission' could've easily been the tutorial, if the information was included as you went along with that, instead, you get some bland waypoint hopping with a little bit of a story.